Choosing the name for the blog was a long process. A long and painful process. At first glance, one might think that “how complicated can it be, right”? You know what you want to do, you have a clear idea, a concept, in my case “I want to start a Clean-Eating food blog”, so what can be that hard? I was amazed to discover, in this past month how important each step is, from the moment the idea is born to actually launching the blog-which, as I write this post is still not online! A blog name is not just a blog name. It has to be visualized, it has to be funny, catchy and appealing.
After an extensive brainstorming that lasted 2 weeks and brought me at the edge of my patience, I was exhausted and angry. I wasn`t even blogging yet, and I was ineffective. Frustrated, as I was talking to a friend, I said “That`s it! I ca`t find anything I like, So I`m just gonna name it…. Broccoli and Muffins!” And there it was….The NAME I was expecting and hoping for! The one that “said” Clean-Eating, but also that a Clean Eating lifestyle was delicious as a muffin. The Name I was searching for was one nervous breakdown away!
After this revelation, I remembered about this Broccoli Muffins recipe and decided to bake it. Poetic, right?
The one thing I can tell you about this Broccoli Muffins recipe is that it’s DELICIOUS. As a snack, or even appetizer. Packed with oat flour, eggs, broccoli, olive oil and goat cheese it is also extremely nutritious.
The initial recipe, found a few years ago on the Kitchenist contained 1 Cup and 3 TBSP of butter. That is translated into 1969 k cal, from the butter alone. As that was not going to happen, from the caloric point of view and also from the perspective that butter does not fit in the Clean-Eating ingredients category, I decided to substitute it with something else. Considering the fact that it was an appetizer muffin, I went with Olive Oil. I now regret that I didn’t think of greek yogurt, the Broccoli Muffins would have had fewer calories. But hey, there`s always a second try, right?
Soon, I will start telling you about substitutes I apply when transforming a traditional recipe into a clean one. You will find the posts in the Clean Eating menu, on the navigation bar, Tips and Tricks Category.
A very important aspect of this recipe is the placement of the muffin batter in the tray. Why, you ask? Because I wanted to get a good looking broccoli muffin, when cut in section. So I prepared a pasty dough, to be able to stick the broccoli florets in the middle. This way, in the end, the section would reveal a perfect broccoli floret! So I placed half of the batter on the bottom of the tray, then put the florets in the middle, covering with the remaining mixture.
The end result? 12 perfect Broccoli Muffins, good enough to be the mascot of this blog! Presenting a nice section, the floret kept it`s texture and color, even tough I baked the muffins for 30 minutes.
The broccoli muffins were a real success at our place and I consider them being a great appetizer. Next time I will try them with greek yogurt (1 cup) .
I wonder! How will you bake them?
I wonder! How will you bake them?BROCCOLI MUFFINS PREP TIME 15 mins COOK TIME 30 mins TOTAL TIME 45 mins