Would you like to know what are the most popular diets that Hollywood celebrities use to lose weight?
In today’s post, we have investigated which are the most popular diets that celebrities like Ben Affleck, Benedict Cumberbatch, Jennifer Lopez or Miranda Kerr use and that will give you ideas to lose weight in the shortest time possible.
Also, if you need to lose a few extra pounds, you like healthy eating, or you train, you will surely love this list of homemade lunches.
Read on and discover them!
A weight-loss diet does not mean stopping eating
This is the first thing you should know if you want to start a weight loss diet.
Celebrities also have it clear, that slimming is not synonymous with starving or stopping eating.
Stopping eating does not help you lose weight, on the contrary, it will make you gain weight.
Yes, just as you read it.
When you stop eating any of the meals during the day, the body interprets it as if you were in a situation of hunger or shortage, then prepares to save fat reserves as a preventive measure to survive.
It is advisable to eat a varied and balanced diet with food from all food groups, with seven portions of vegetables, five portions of fruit, three portions of protein, and low amounts of fat.
Ben Affleck’s diet
Ben Affleck is a famous actor and director who will be fifty years old next August 15, 2002.
He has always taken care of himself by trying to eat healthy, reducing carbohydrates, and eating a lot of proteins.
Exercise is also very important for this actor.
Ben, consumes a minimum of 250 grams of protein every day, distributed in five meals a day.
The foods that predominate in his diet are egg whites, oatmeal with banana, baked sweet potato, protein shake, grilled chicken, nuts, almonds, spinach, broccoli, and green beans.
All this is accompanied by abundant water consumption.
The 5:2 diet of Benedict Cumberbatch
The 5:2 diet consists of interspersing periods of normal eating with periods of caloric restriction, a type of intermittent fasting.
Generally, the title indicates how long each of these periods will last. For example, in the 16/8 diet, 16 hours of fasting and 8 hours of feeding are spent.
In the case of Benedict Cumberbatch‘s 5:2 diet, on the other hand, we are not talking about hours, but days.
Moreover, the longest period is the feeding period, not the fasting period.
“You do five days without dieting and for two non-consecutive days, for example, Wednesday and Saturday, you consume very few calories (500 kcal/day) or you fast.”
“Depending on how long we go without eating we can talk about 12-hour, 16-hour, or 24-hour fasting. In the 5:2 diet, the 24-hour fast is done twice a week.
Jennifer Lopez’s diet
Jenniffer Lopez, also known as Jlo, always prioritizes the consumption of whole, fresh, organic foods and avoids ultra-processed foods
Her favorite snacks are nuts, she also consumes very high-quality protein and chooses to eat products with high nutritional value.
Jenniffer Lopez’s diet is rich in vegetables and she does not usually eat corn or carrots because they have more sugar. She also does not consume ultra-processed foods.
Among the list of foods that Jlo consumes the most, we find egg whites, white turkey meat, chicken breast, and grass-fed beef.
The fats come from fish proteins such as salmon, which has high levels of omega 3 and 6.
Miranda Kerr’s 80/20 diet
Miranda practices the 80/20 rule.
The idea is to eat healthy 80 percent of the time and splurge the other 20 on your whims or those cravings.
More than a diet, it’s a way of life also practiced by celebrities like Cameron Diaz and Jessica Alba.
Miranda Kerr’s favorite menu
Breakfast: chia pudding.
Lunch: light chicken or vegetarian curry with coconut, as well as quinoa, salmon, and vegetables, for dessert chocolate cake and coconut.
Dinner: chicken salad with lots of fresh herbs.
To lose weight you don’t have to stop eating
Do you think these diets are a little weird? More awkward have been some moments in the life of celebrities at the Oscars Awards! Want to watch them? You will be surprised! Watch! https://www.redargentina.com/the-6-most-awkward-moments-in-oscars-history/
As you have seen throughout this post, the diets of celebrities are based on the consumption of natural foods in a balanced way.
All this is accompanied by an exercise routine The 6 Most Awkward Moments in Oscars History supervised by a professional trainer.
In summary, if you want to lose weight ideally you can consume less fat and carbohydrates, more protein, and exercise at least 4 days a week.
Remember to also seek guidance and advice from professionals in nutrition and sports coaching that can help you achieve your weight loss goal.
Share this post with others so they can also benefit and lose weight!
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About the Author:
Mónica Chacín, SEO Copywriting specialist and author of a
book of reflections and poetry known as “Serendipia de sueños”