Meat-Free Monday Wagamamas fragrant coconut, ginger & lemongrass

Meat-Free Monday Wagamamas fragrant coconut, ginger & lemongrass, Lay The Table

Ive decided we eat too much meat in our house. Also, I read that raising livestock is bad for the planet both in terms of greenhouse gases produced and the amount of feed needed to raise beef, pigs, lambs or chicken and if we all had one meat-free day a week, it would make a difference.

So one of my New Years Resolutions was to To My Bit and thus every Monday in our house is going to be Meat-Free.

Im no expert at vegetarian cooking, so Im just going to chuck stuff together and see what happens.

Last night we had Japanese Soba noodles which are wholewheat and about half the size of the noodles Im used to with sliced red peppers, sliced courgettes, stir-fried with a fragrant coconut, ginger and lemongrass sauce, made by the restaurant chain Wagamamas, which Id bought from the supermarket.

Heres a quick review..

Time to prepare...5 mins

Time to cook¦10 mins

Texture...crunchy from the veg; slurpy from the soft noodles and sauce was OK. You could taste the ginger and lemongrass, but the main flavour was the citric acid an ingredient used to preserve it. The bottom line is, you cant beat freshly made from scratch.

Would I have it again? No

Meat-Free Monday Wagamamas fragrant coconut, ginger & lemongrass, Lay The Table


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