Moshi Monsters Fruit n Nut Rox Cakes

Moshi Monsters Fruit n Nut Rox Cakes, Lay The Table

Moshi Monsters Cakes. My kids have started to get into comics just lately. Before, they’d nag me to buy them for the plastic bit of tut on the cover, but now they actually read them, do the puzzles and even cook the recipes (with a little help from Yours Truly).

This one is so simple and the results are monstrously good

Moshi Monsters Cakes

Makes 12 cakes

225g self-raising flour
100g butter
50g granulated sugar
1 tbsp milk
1 egg
100g dried fruit (we used mango)
1 cup of mixed nuts, bashed (optional)

Moshi Monsters Fruit n Nut Rox Cakes, Lay The Table

1. Sieve the flour into a large bowl. Add the butter and get the kids to use their fingers to rub the mixture into crumbs, then stir in the sugar.

2. Add the fruit and nuts (if using).

3. Whisk the egg in a separate bowl and then add it to the mixture. Stir until combined.

4. Pour in the milk and stir the mixture until it has totally blended. Add more milk if the mix is too crumbly.

5. Line a cupcake tray with paper cases and dollop a tablespoon or two of mixture into each.

Moshi Monsters Fruit n Nut Rox Cakes, Lay The Table

6. Put in a preheated oven at 180C/Gas 4 for 15 mins.

Moshi Monsters Fruit n Nut Rox Cakes, Lay The Table

7. Allow to cool, then sprinkle a little sugar on top.

And, no, this isn’t a sponsored post. My lad bought the comic with his pocket money for cleaning the oven at the weekend.

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