Twice-Cooked Gammon with Clementine & Honey Glaze

Twice-Cooked Gammon with Clementine & Honey Glaze, Lay The Table

Very simple, very effective, very cheap and very delicious hot or cold. Thats the Verdict on this fantastic  Twice-Cooked Gammon with Clementine & Honey Glaze recipe. The rolled gammon joint cost me a fiver (for 1.5kg) and the two tablespoons of honey cost a few pence. And cooking couldnt be simpler: a few hours in the slow cooker, then half an hour in the oven. Bish, bash, bosh.

Ive served this with a mustardy potato salad, made by boiling new potatoes, then mixing them with some finely chopped onion, 2 tbsp Dijon mustard and 2 tbps mayonnaise.

Serves 2-4, with loads leftover for sandwiches and salads

1.5 kg gammon. I bought mine from the indoor market in Darlington. Check with the butcher whether it needs to be soaked in water for a few hours to remove excess salt. Mine didnt.
3-4 clementines (or satsumas, or tangerines), peeled and broken into segments
200ml water
2 tbsp honey (I used Greek Thyme Honey, from fruit and nuts specialists Carpo, but any will suffice)

Twice-Cooked Gammon with Clementine & Honey Glaze, Lay The Table

1. Put the gammon, clementine segments and water into a slow cooker and cook on LOW for 4-5 hours, until the gammon is very tender. Remove from the cooker and drain the stock into a small saucepan, through a sieve.

2. Add the honey to the stock and bring to a fierce boil. Reduce by three-quarters until you have a sticky syrup.

3. Preheat the oven to 180C/Gas 4. Put the gammon in a roasting tin and spoon the syrup over the joint. Put in the oven and cook for 20-30 mins, basting the gammon with syrup every now and then.

Twice-Cooked Gammon with Clementine & Honey Glaze, Lay The Table

4. Remove from the oven and leave to rest, then carve into chunks and serve with the potato salad.

Twice-Cooked Gammon with Clementine & Honey Glaze, Lay The Table
Twice-Cooked Gammon with Clementine & Honey Glaze, Lay The Table

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