This is about as cheap and cheerful as a midweek dinner gets. Unless youre the lamb, that is. I bought this roasting joint at a farmers market for 3. Three. Pounds. Less than a pint of bitter. Bargain.
For best results, bung it in the slow cooker for 4 hours, then finish it off in the oven to crisp up the skin for another 45 mns. Like belly pork, it is virtually impossible to overcook because it has so much fat to keep it juicy.
And if you like this, you could also try my Crispy-Skin Saddle of Lamb with Puy Lentils
Serves 2-4
1 rolled and tied lamb breast joint, weighing approx. 500g
1 lamb stock cube, made into 500ml stock with boiling water
3 sprigs fresh rosemary
1 large glass white wine
1/2 tsp chilli powder
3 garlic cloves, peeled and bashed
Freshly ground black pepper
1. Chuck everything in the slow cooker on LOW setting. Cook for 4 hours.
2. Remove the joint from the slow cooker and transfer to a roasting dish and place in a preheated oven at 180C/Gas 4.
3. Rest for 15 mins, then carve into thick slices.
4. Meanwhile, drain the stock through a sieve into a jug and put in the freezer. The excess fat will rise to the top, then set, which you can then discard much more easily than if it was still liquid. Reduce the remaining stock in a small saucepan to make a thin gravy.
5. Serve with steamed broccoli and Dauphinois potatoes, made with sliced parboiled potatoes, chopped garlic, sliced onions, a little cream and topped with freshly grated nutmeg.
This looks delicious! How long did you roast it for in the oven?